Host ISBR2027


The International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR) invites proposals from suitable organizations/consortia to host the 18th ISBR Symposium (ISBR 2027).


The International Society for Biosafety Research (  is the leading international scientific society promoting the practice and application of sound science in sustainable bio-innovation and risk analysis. It encourages research and dialogue that underpins the safe and sustainable use of biotechnology and facilitates the development of relevant policy and fit-for-purpose regulation.

The ISBR organizes the biennial ISBR Symposium, which has been successfully presented across the world over the past 35 years. These symposia are unique in providing a forum that fosters productive dialogue among scientists, technology developers, industry, policymakers, regulators, and non-governmental organizations. They create a platform for sharing expertise across a continuum of topics spanning basic research, risk analysis, public policy, governance and the socioeconomics associated with current and emerging applications of biotechnology.  


Organizing the ISBR Symposium offers the host region, country and biosafety stakeholders the opportunity to increase the visibility and status of biosafety research, science-based risk analysis and sustainable bio-innovation in their setting. Regional stakeholders also benefit from the better accessibility of a nearby meeting, the international expertise it attracts and the opportunity to highlight regional priorities. A partnership with the ISBR acknowledges the efforts and contributions of local biosafety practitioners.  

Finally, organizing an international meeting may also offer opportunities to access allied funding and benefits earmarked to support local tourism or general scientific exchange. 


  1. Management and Operations 

The ISBR Board oversees the planning and organization of the ISBR Symposium, while all activities are coordinated and executed through its various committees.  

  • Scientific Program Committee: Plans and develops the symposium’s scientific program, including the overall theme, session themes, program structure, speakers, abstract evaluations, etc.  
  • Sponsorship Committee: Responsible for securing the sponsorships required to present the symposium.  

  • Communications Committee: Plans and executes all symposium-related communications and marketing activities, including the website, newsletters and social media.  

  • Publications Committee: Responsible for organizing the publication of papers that were presented at the symposium.  

Symposium hosts must establish a Local Organizing Committee (LOC) whose primary function will be to facilitate effective local access and integration. In addition, the chairperson of the LOC will be appointed to the ISBR Board and at least one LOC member will be appointed to each of the relevant ISBR committees to ensure meaningful participation and the effective use of local resources.  

  1. ISBR’s Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) 

The PCO will work closely with the LOC to share best practices and industry knowledge while relying on the LOC for locally relevant information, advice and access. The PCO will take responsibility for all negotiations and contracting with suppliers.  


  • Date: 2nd half of 2027.

  • Duration: The main ISBR Symposium program is usually presented over 3½ days. 

  • Delegates: Generally, 300 to 350 delegates attend ISBR Symposia. 

  • Program content and structure: The Symposium’s scientific program includes plenary-, parallel-, poster- and workshop sessions, while the social program includes a welcome reception, dinner and optional tours. 

  • ISBR relevant topics: Science communication, biosafety capacity building, sustainability and food security, risk analysis, global regulations, policy & governance, genetically modified (GM) crops, genome editing, gene drives, animal biotechnology, agricultural biologicals, bio-innovation, etc.


  1. Key prerequisites   

  • The official support of a wide range of local stakeholders, including the research fraternity, industry, regulatory authorities and governmentA LOC and Chairperson - all members having the support of their respective organizations. 

  • Commitments from local stakeholders and sponsors to cover a significant part of the local costs of the Symposium. 

  1. Expected inclusions  

  • Introduction and overview of the proposal. 

  • Composition of the LOC, the credentials of the individuals involved and their role in successfully hosting the symposium. 

  • Letters of support (City, government, sponsors, universities, host etc.). 

  • Science focus: Value and impact of hosting the symposium in the country and region. 

  • Travel focus: Information on the greater host environment, including country and city information such as affordability, accessibility, flights, ground transport, accommodation options, tours and cultural highlights. 

  • Proposed dates, considering other major events and conferences, and program requirements. 

  • Venue options and preliminary costs, including venue hire, catering, audiovisual and complimentary offerings, e.g. an organizer’s office for the duration of the symposium. 

  • Program input: Suggestions for locally relevant topics/themes, speakers, etc. 

  • Potential sponsorships form an important part of the bid. Without sponsorship, the event is not possible. Sponsorships may include grants, funding, in-kind services & items and donations. 

  • Support from the local tourism bureau, including what they can offer in terms of site inspections for the board and PCO. Is subvention funding available (please include details)?  

  • Communications strategy and how the LOC can assist in promoting the symposium. Available networks and affiliations. 

  • Social program suggestions, including - 

    • Welcome function (250 – 300 pax) included in registration costs (Sunday). 

    • President’s reception and members’ meeting (200 pax, Tuesday). 

    • Symposium dinner (Delegates book and pay, 160-200 pax, Wednesday). 

    • Offsite tours (100 – 120 pax), delegates book online, fully hosted by the organization inviting delegates to their establishment. Include transport, lunch and afternoon refreshments. 

    • Any other complimentary tours and offerings from the city. 

    • Any additional information you would like to include to highlight the suitability of your proposal. 


Interested parties should please submit a brief Expression of Interest to host ISBR2027 by 28 February 2025 to the PCO, Crystal Kasselman (, to allow her to guide you in developing a full proposal. Full proposals must be submitted no later than 31 July 2025.  

The successful candidate will be informed approximately two months before ISBR2025, which ends on Thursday, 6 November 2025 in Ghent, Belgium. The host of ISBR2027 will be publicly announced during the final session when an LOC representative will also be given an opportunity to present a short promotional video/talk to the delegates. 

Prospective hosts are welcome to contact Crystal with questions or requests. 

We look forward to receiving your Expressions of Interest by 28 February 2025

Joerg Romeis 
ISBR President 

Host ISBR2027